Hannah Reede is a dutch Amsterdam based visual artist. Mainly working with sculpture and installation, their work goes around themes related to the manufacture of nature, hierarchies, power relations and control; questioning the concept of what is known as the ‘natural’ in our common society.
Nominated for the ceramic price 'De Kei'.
Solo show, Gallery Multiplemadé, Amsterdam, NL
Solo show, Gallery Multiplemadé, Amsterdam, NL
Why do I feel guilty for having potted plants? DAK, Kunstinitiatief, Utrecht, NL
ALL INN, Het HEM, Zaandam, NL
Museum voor jezelf +1, Maakhaven, The Hague, NL
Best of Graduates 2020, Ron Mandos Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
Graduation show, The Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, NL
Best of Graduates 2020, Ron Mandos Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
Graduation show, The Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, NL
Note To Self, Helena van Doeverenplatsoen, The Hague, NL
Note To Self, Helena van Doeverenplatsoen, The Hague, NL
Today I Taste Tomorrow, Helena van Doeverenplatsoen, The Hague, NL
Mythocracy, NEST, The Hague, NL
Trance and moving image, Eye Museum, Amsterdam, NL
Trance and moving image, Eye Museum, Amsterdam, NL
Publications/online articles
Metropolis M, 'Girly', confronterend en fel - Lichting 2020 bijt van zich af in Het HEM
Het Parool, Overrompelende expo in Het Hem: van mensenratten tot straathonden, helaas alleen via livestream
BA, Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, NL (fine arts, sculpture)
BA, Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, NL (fine arts, sculpture)
Exchange program at LUCA School of Arts, Ghent, BE (glass and ceramics)
Exchange program at LUCA School of Arts, Ghent, BE (glass and ceramics)
BA, University of Applied Photography, Amsterdam, NL
BA, University of Applied Photography, Amsterdam, NL
Masha Ru (1984) at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam, NL
Masha Ru (1984) at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam, NL
Lieve Prins (1948-2019), Horizontal Theatre & Paintings with Light, Amsterdam, NL
Lieve Prins (1948-2019), Horizontal Theatre & Paintings with Light, Amsterdam, NL